Zona de construcción (Construction Zone)

Series of 6 titles
Format Price Qty

Do you have readers who just can't get enough of big machines? Vibrant photographs of large construction vehicles at work, photo labels, and diagrams work together with tightly controlled vocabulary to make this a fun and exciting series for beginning readers. Each title includes reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and a glossary and index.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Zona de construcción (Construction Zone) (6 titles)
Las aplanadoras (Rollers)
Las excavadoras (Diggers)
Las grúas (Cranes)
Las retroexcavadoras (Backhoes)
Los buldóceres (Bulldozers)
Los camiones hormigonera (Concrete Mixers)
  • Soon!
  • New!
  • New!
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Kindergarten
Copyright 2023
Genre Nonfiction
Publisher Jump!, Inc.
Imprint Bullfrog Books
Series Zona de construcción (Construction Zone)
Language Spanish
Number of Pages 24
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2022-07-01
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 7.75 x 7.75
Guided Reading Level F