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Florida Panthers: Struggle for Survival

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Was it too late to save the Florida panther? For hundreds of years these large cats roamed the entire southeastern United States. Yet by the 1950s, years of hunting and habitat loss had pushed these beautiful creatures to the brink of extinction. Would people find a way to help the panther survive? In Florida Panthers: Struggle for Survival,children relive the inspiring and heroic efforts of people who stepped in to save this remarkable creature when all seemed lost. Through this true tale of wildlife survival, children discover the bold and creative ideas that Americans and their government have used to protect and care for the country's endangered wildlife. Full-color photographs and a habitat map enrich this heartfelt story of conservationism and courage.

Reading Level Grade 3
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series America's Animal Comebacks
Lexile 790
Scholastic Reading Counts! Level 4.6
Scholastic Reading Counts! Quiz Q41640
Scholastic Reading Counts! Points 3.0
ISBN 9781936089390
Title Format Print + eBook
Author William Caper
ATOS Reading Level 4.8
Accelerated ReaderĀ® Quiz 116349
Accelerated ReaderĀ® Points 0.5

Author: William Caper