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Newfoundland: Water Rescuer

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foundlands are big, strong dogs that are often trained to rescue swimmers who are struggling in the water. They have been nicknamed "lifeguard dogs" because they have saved so many people from drowning! One of the oldest dog breeds in the world, foundlands are descended from dogs native to an island off the eastern coast of Canada called foundland. There, they were working dogs with important jobs like helping fisherman on boats. Because the dogs were strong swimmers, they could pull nets out of the water and retrieve anything that fell overboard from the ship. Today, many foundlands are still working dogs, and the gentle and protective nature of this breed also makes them great family pets. foundland: Water Rescueris a perfect read for dog lovers that includes amazing, real-life stories about these huge dogs while also recounting the breed's history and how that determined the animal's physical characteristics, personality, and suitability as a pet.

Reading Level Grade 3
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Big Dogs Rule
Lexile 900
Scholastic Reading Counts! Level 5.2
Scholastic Reading Counts! Quiz Q55578
Scholastic Reading Counts! Points 3.0
ISBN 9781617723766
Title Format Print + eBook
Author Dawn Bluemel Oldfield
Guided Reading Level P
ATOS Reading Level 4.9
Accelerated ReaderĀ® Quiz 146450
Accelerated ReaderĀ® Points 0.5