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The Ant's Nest: A Huge, Underground City

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Tour one of nature's busiest neighborhoods! Ants create huge underground nests to serve the needs of their colonies. A complex system of tunnels and chambers, a colony may be home to as many as 500,000 ants. The insects are highly organized and surprisingly strong when they all work together. They cooperate in tasks like building and protecting the colony, gathering food, and caring for the colony's young. Jaw-dropping photos, a habitat map, and fascinating information will captivate young readers as they learn about these truly spectacular animal towns.

Reading Level Grade 4
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Spectacular Animal Towns
Lexile 910
Scholastic Reading Counts! Level 6.3
Scholastic Reading Counts! Quiz Q47634
Scholastic Reading Counts! Points 3.0
ISBN 9780982476437
Title Format Print + eBook
Author Miriam Aronin
Guided Reading Level N
ATOS Reading Level 5.1
Accelerated ReaderĀ® Quiz 131771
Accelerated ReaderĀ® Points 0.5

Author: Miriam Aronin